Solutions » Disaster Prevention

Your business continuity plan needs a robust Disaster Prevention component to protect your data and applications in case of man-made or natural disaster. You need to protect your significant investment in information technology and communications. More importantly, some data (such as customer data) cannot be bought, and may be impossible to replace if it is lost.
Calitech™ Disaster Prevention Services starts with an operational risk assessment. We want to find out how vulnerable you currently are, and what is most important to you. We will then develop the recovery plan. This doesn’t just mean replicating your data and applications in a remote location. It could mean reprioritizing. For example, applications that you consider less critical could be tuned down so that your most critical data and applications are quickly recovered and continue to run smoothly.
Also, it’s important to develop procedures to test and update the plan on an ongoing basis, as well as to train and create awareness among all your staff members.